Unique Business Package Launched For Uk Start Ups

Released on: December 20, 2007, 11:38 pm

Press Release Author: John Blewitt

Industry: Marketing

Press Release Summary: UK Start up businesses need to maximise their launch
budgets.All businesses need help, advice, suport, guidance and funding from day one
and start ups also need to maximise their marketing to ensure that they have an
effective ROI.

Press Release Body: Essex,UK,Dec 21 2007--If you are thinking of starting up a new
business or have recently formed one you may be considering spending your seed
capital on key products and services to get your business launched. But which ones
offer the best Life Time Value?
Getting the best value from your budget is essential during the start up period. So
how can you can get your business seen and what guidance can you obtain to ensure
your business launch success during the first 12-24 months?

An Essex based plc called Million Impossible has structured a business start up
package that will help you get your business off the ground and at the same time
provide the ultimate exposure to you target audience.

For only 299 you can now purchase the UK's Ultimate Business Start up Package

First- The UK's Fastest Growing Entrepreneur web site
Lifetime membership to www.millionimpossible.com the UK's Ultimate Entrepreneur
playground where you can share your ideas, network with other businesses gaining
sales leads, reduce your purchasing costs through member discounts and request
investment from our "Going for Gold" business investment den. You will also receive
shares in the Plc. Members have access to a myriad of business arenas from
accountancy, recruitment, business coaches, IT services, web design to mentoring. In
fact you will find everything that your new business needs to launch successfully.
You could even become Entrepreneur of the year 2008 and receive your award from
Fatima Whitbread MBE (World Champion)

Second- A New Telecoms Number so promote your business
Lifetime ownership of your own 0800/0845 or local number which comes with a free
online call monitoring platform which monitors you advertising calls ensuring that
you never waste money on advertising that does not work. You need never to change
your number again! As your business moves your number goes with you.
www.numbersourcer.com. There are no ongoing or monthly fees.

Third- Unlimited UK wide advertising Exposure for your Business
Free annual unlimited county by county and category/ trade coverage with full page
adverting including a colour logo, 150 words describing your business, 6 key bullet
points full contact details and a web link back to your own site

Fourth- Free Membership to the Entrepreneur Association
The UK Entrepreneur Association offers exclusive member discounts covering
everything from Business Formations to accountancy www.ukentrepreneurassociation.com

Million Impossible plc launched on to the UK market during November 2007 and intends
to create the Worlds Largest Entrepreneur Business Network. The plc has successfully
launched www.millionikmpossible.com and will break a new UK record before then end
of the year.
The plc has also launched the SOURCER GROUP BRANDS www.sourcergroup.com which
comprise of Business Sourcer, which offers FREE online advertising for all UK
business and Number Sourcer www.numbersourcer.com which has over 7 million telecoms
number for sale.

The Sourcer Group Brands are owned and operated by Million Impossible plc and have
aggressive plans to launch 5 further sites in Q1 and Q2 of 2008. Million Impossible
plc aims to launch a US version of their UK site www.billionimposible.com in 2008.

The aim of Million Impossible plc is to unite Entrepreneurs and Businesses together
creating "Strength in Numbers"and make "Dreams a Reality". Entrepreneurs share on
common goal- SUCCESS!
Million Impossible plc is launching the following Sourcer Group Brand web sites in
Q1 and Q2 2008
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John Blewitt
Million Impossible Plc
Essex Technology and Innovation Centre,
The Gables, Ongar, Essex CM5 0GA
Tel: 0845 468 5000
fax: 0845 468 5001

Web Site: http://www.millionimpossible.com

Contact Details: John Blewitt
Million Impossible Plc
Essex Technology and Innovation Centre,
The Gables, Ongar, Essex CM5 0GA
Tel: 0845 468 5000
fax: 0845 468 5001

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